Tuesday 23 October 2012

First Session

Bit of background
3.5 years ago I decided to get my tattoo. I knew exactly what I wanted and where, it would be a scorpion on my stomach/hip. After finally getting the courage up I went into the tattoo parlour and asked them if they would do and if they were able to do it today. I knew that if it wasn't done that day I wouldn't have gotten it done ever.  Anyway, 4 hours later I walked out with my tattoo, slightly bigger than what I had originally wanted but that was needed apparently to get the detail.

I have decided to get it removed because I am sick of the judgement from other people. After a lot of research I decided that Rejuvi was what seems to be the best removal process. It is a bit like using Magnoplasm to get rid of a splinter, the Rejuvi is injected into the tattoo and draws the ink to the surface.
I found Jackie at Cosmetic Ink (www.cosmeticink.com.au) was the only person in NSW that did the Rejuvi process, so I booked it in.

Getting it done!
First of all I should probably tell you that I'm not getting my whole tattoo removed just the scorpion, I want to keep part of it because it does mean a lot to me (also it gives a good contrast to how it works).

Getting the Rejuvi was not as painful as getting the tattoo done, mainly because Jackie used a numbing cream  but I'm not complaining! After about 1 hour the Rejuvi was injected into the tattoo and you could already see some of the ink coming out :)

Here is what it looked like after the scab had formed. (this is about 30min after getting it done)

The next week was the hardest... You can not get it wet and you need to keep the area as still as possible!  Luckly for me I had a lot of TV shows and movies to catch up on and a loving boyfriend to do everything for me!

No for all of you who are worried that it is going to be swollen or anything like that its not... Yes it is sore but   do you really expect it to be pain free? Here is a photo of the tattoo for the side just so you can see that it not swollen..

Days 1-7 are pretty much the same, the scab gets tighter and it hurts to move around.  (I dont know if this is because of where my tattoo is)

After about 7 days my scab starts to fall off, not all at once but little bit by little bit. Here is a photo of it at day 13.

As you can see the scab has gotten a lot darker! This is because it has more ink in it... Now for all of you who are looking at this and thinking... you can still see the tattoo where there is no scab... just remember that the Rejuvi has pulled the ink closer to the surface and it will come out in time. 

Watch this space for more information and photos!


  1. Hi TJ
    I know you wrote this a long time ago but I'm just wondering if you can give an update? Have you had another session? Has the tattoo been fully removed? I've had one Rejuvi session with Jackie about 6 months ago & whilst the tattoo colour has faded over 50%, I have some pink/white scarring I'm not sure will ever go away... Anyway, would love to know your progress. Bec. beckovich@gmail.com
